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March 27, 2013


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Lisa Q

LOVE how this quilt is turning out...who would have thought those strips were going to turn into this! I love the 'medallion' look you've got going here. I'm a big multi tasker....but I do know that I've been making a conscious effort to look at my kids (or whoever I'm with) in the eyes when we're talking...there is something about eye contact that really connects people. I see way too many people looking at their phones, or tablets or even off in other directions and totally missing the people around them. That's how I'm purposefully working on being present.!!


Funny. I've been working on multitasking less too.

And your quilt is GORGEOUS!


That quilt looks amazing!


oh wow... this is just gorgeous!! love how the vibrant colors pop against the white! :)

Meg Evans

The quilt is beautiful, Larissa! and I love that quote--it's such a perfect mantra for this time of year.

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