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March 14, 2013


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I read Gone Girl, The Fault in our Stars (so sad) and Olive Kitteridge and loved them all. I'm on Spring Break in two weeks so I will definitely check out some of these titles. I love the blocks...sigh...someday I will learn how to quilt.


that is a good stack of books - only one of which i have read! thanks for the recommendations. i've been reading a lot lately, too.


oh, and for the quilt...i like the idea of a border around the entire thing.


I really like seeing your star blocks together. The different fabric combos really make each of the blocks look so different. At first I wasn't sure it was all the same pattern.

Meg Evans

I love the quilt stars--makes me want to haul out my machine. There is a new Joann opening in April that is really, really close to my house, so I may be resuming quilting soon!

I love the idea of giving up TV at night. Most nights there isn't anything in particular we like to watch, so I end up channel surfing until I find a rerun of something. I think I should just give it up on those nights and stick to the books.

Gone Girl is the only book in your stack that I've read, and the ending really, really bothered me. I should check out some of the others in your stack.


Jane, quilting is just sewing fabric together - you can do it!

Erin, love seeing what you read and your thought on your days on flikr. Just ordered fabric for the border - i hate having to wait but it will totally be worth it.

Julie, thanks so much. Try them. They are not difficult.

Meg, Yes, get that machine out! I miss your sewing. I loved the ending in Gone Girl. There are reviews on amazon that agree with you re: the ending but i found it very powerful and profound. I love the power of words. There are people who are hurt by physical pain but most are hurt much more through words and self doubt...i won't go on but you get the point.


I read Gone Girl, The Fault in our Stars (so sad) and Olive Kitteridge. I shared a list of my reads for 2012 on my blog (http://imenesaid.com/imene-co-3/2013/1/book-list-for-2012).
I had stopped watching TV in the evening for a while and you're right I slept a lot better. I need to find a new book that draws me in.
I admire your quilts and I so want to start. Maybe you can help me get started. Do you know any books I could read?

Sue Lindsay

Sash! It will set the blocks nicely and no sacrifice of block pattern.


Articels like this really grease the shafts of knowledge.

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