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October 08, 2010


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Ooh... ooh... I would love a chance to win a fall cover! They are beautiful!


Just beautiful! I enjoy following Angry Chicken, Amy Karol's blog. Thank you for the chance to win!


Wow! What an INCREDIBLE gift you are giving, it's gorgeous! For crafty stuff I always check in on the crafty crow but for pure inspiration I find that many of the dutch blogs are amazing. Kay loves vintage is always adding in great blog links in at the end of her posts...


Thank you for a beautiful giveaway. I enjoy reading JCasa Handmade blog among many others. I'm a knitter, so I mostly follow knitting blogs.


Beautiful cover and a generous giveaway!
I just discovered http://monsterknit.blogspot.com/
the other day, and I love her use of color and adorable toys!


Those are all gorgeous! Wow!

I don't think this blog is active anymore, but the archives are so worth looking at:


Beautiful! I love to read and follow along with crazy mom quilts :)


Oh my that would be the mother of all gifts! I so hope to win. I am inspired by two blogs right now www.katoumie.canalblog.com and imakestuff.typepad.com
Crossing fingers and toes ;0)

Linda Radwanski

OOOH,, I would be so happy and honored to win your pretty Fall cover.. I really enjoy this blog... Chelsea can make everything seem so calm and life affirming...http://chelseab.typepad.com/lady_i_swear_by_all_flowe/

Thanks for the opportunity to win this precious cover.
And thanks for your blog!! I love reading it.


Your rain photos are beautiful!! The covers are lovely too! I'll have to come back with a blog name to enter.


Gorgeous! :) What a generous giveaway! Fingers crossed for this one.

One of my favorite blogs is crazy mom quilts. Her tutorials are great, and I just love her work.


Hi, my name is Amy & I am a cat-a-holic. OOPS, that is not what you were asking for...

I love Be*mused. That blog never disappoints me - except for when she doesn't post...

I'd love to win a cover.


Oh Larissa -- this is so generous of you. I just stumbled upon the Sew Darn Cute blog, which is pretty much defunct now, but you can see old posts at sewdarncute.typepad.com. It's got some nifty ideas that are different from the book.


One of my favorite blogs is farmama.


WOW... an amazing give away!

As someone who does not sew, I am always thrilled (and inspired) to see what those of you who do sew create!

For inspiration, I love to visit here: www.oneprettything.com/ There are always lots of ideas for all kinds of crafting mediums... always something there that catches my eye.

dani@little fists

Oh, I'd love this! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the chance!

There are so many great blogs out there...here are a few that I love:

Cherry Tomato: http://cherrytomato.typepad.com/cherry_tomato/

Mandy Gerth: http://mandygerth.blogspot.com/

Elsewhere Living: http://elsewhereliving.typepad.com/my_weblog/

Tip of the iceberg, I know.


The covers look wonderful, the colors make me smile.
One of mine favorites is iheartlinen.typepad.com/.
Have a great weekend too.

traci anderson

oh my what a fab fall cover thanx for the chance to win :o) I have to say that tif is my most inspiring blog her photography and writing are ace http://dottieangel.blogspot.com/


Thanks for sharing Mady by Joel. I'm sure I've said this before on my own blog, but Ann Wood's blog usually amazes me: http://annwood.net/blog/.
I love the papier mache ships, and the hand crafted owls.


Thanks for the chance to win this great cover- I really love the Joel Dewberry home dec fabric and have a few pillows in it. I'm on a bit of a quilting binge, so I have been referring to Ashley's "Film in the Fridge" blog, which offers links to many other blogs. Then there is the food blog world... :)


Would LOVE those pretty colors sitting on my couch! And I enjoy checking out "House of Turquoise"...great house/interior photos...just pretty to look at!


Just wanted to say I think this is great! Don't include me on the give-away, because I was lucky enough to win earlier this year! :)


Wonderful ideas and crafts. One of my favorite is http://www.theidearoom.net/
The cover is beautiful.


Thank you! This is such a fabulous giveaway!

I really enjoy reading Rhythm of the Home (an online mag as well as a blog)


Wow - delightful giveaway and exactly what is needed in these cooler days of fall... although it seems the warmer weather has returned to IN for a few days...

I have loved reading through http://www.mypapercrane.com/blog/?cat=9 and being all inspired with the craftiness!


This is a very generous give away. Besides your blog and The Jolly Bee and A Friend to knit with and Kysten Knits and Stitching Under the oaks (did I forget anyone?) I found www.sewpictureperfect.com


Ooooo... lovely giveaway! I recently found made by Joel as well, love that blog. I also like alamode and comfortstitching, lots of quilty goodness.

theresa/t does wool

happy autumn to you.
beautiful images and what a sweet gift for some lucky person~

Lorie H.

I'm a knitter and like "a Friend to knit with".


Well since I am on your blog I won't post a link to you (but I do find your blog very inspiring) so how about The Rhythm of The Home blog http://rhythmofthehomeblog.com/?p=1235.

Thanks for having the giveaway!!


What a fun "quilt." I bet it would be perfect to snuggle up with on the couch. Thanks for the chance to win! One blog I've read for awhie is Terri's Notebook at: http://terrisnotebook.wordpress.com/. She's got lots of great ideas and a cute Etsy shop. Thanks again for the giveaway.

Jen Gough

Wow! What a wonderful giveaway! One of favorites is soulemama!



Yes! and chance to snuggle with bay on the couch with a new fall cover... thanks!


What a wonderfully sweet thing to do. Happy fall to you!!

Lisa Q

oh girl....aren't you making somebody's world a bit cozier! all that fall goodness looks wonderful all spilled out on your table. Have a great week!


Crossing my fingers... SouleMama is my favorite. Thank you!

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