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September 21, 2010


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dani@little fists

Love that orange & grey combo peeking out there.

The change of seasons makes me want to sit in my rocker with a cup of tea and crochet...or quilt at the machine.

I only wish I had more time to do so. And that the change of season also brought cooler temps. It's still in the 90's here in Houston. Boo.


I am looking forward to seeeing your project. Your color combinations are always beautiful.


As the season changes, I'm inspired to stay on task with the many projects I still want to make this year. looking forward to seeing your new creation.


I love coloring, I have my own book to do with the kids but I haven't done that in a long time. I should get those out! Looks like you're working on a beautiful project!


The change of season is definitely inspiring me to quilt, quilt quilt! : ) It's also inspiring me to make apple crisp...


The seasons change has given me so much energy with it's cooler weather. I'm trying to stay on top of projects and starting new ones.


Elderberries....Fabric....Changing colors. Isn't Fall the absolute, positive best? I'm looking forward to getting inspired by a new Larissa-made project.


Can't wait to see what you're working on! My inspiration these days is in the kitchen, as we now enter into my favorite season for eating. yum! :)

Lisa Q

well, until the temps reached the 90's again, I was inspired to knit and sew and reclaim the inside crafts that go so wonderfully with fall...but it feels like summer again! Can't wait to see what you're making....love those fabrics.


I love fall. It has been unseasonably warm here these last couple of weeks. I am wishing for some fall cool temps soon.


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