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September 29, 2010


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Meg Evans

How exciting! I would love to have chickens, but we have no yard. My sister-in-law has them, though, so I do get some of her eggs whenever I can. I'm so glad your whole family is enjoying the chicken adventure.


That is so great! My husband would be sooo jealous :) He really wants to keep chickens and in his head we live somewhere that has lots of room to house many different animals....maybe someday.


What a sweet, sweet post.


And they are so tasty, aren't they? I don't have hens but we get eggs from someone who does and I love them! Glad you're back, but of course, I'm rarely around now :)

dani@little fists

Oh...these images are so great. I love this post...and congrats on the bitty egg.


This is such a sweet post. I do love animals. I think it's cute how they want to go home when they escape. Have you eaten the eggs?


I would be incredibly excited too! That is such a neat story -- of patience, anticipation, and of caring. Enjoy those eggs. It sounds like it's been a long journey to this point.
PS. I have my fabric all picked out for my own Fall cover. I can't wait to get started!


That's so exciting! I can't wait until we get the same experience with our hens. They are 20 weeks old, but no eggs yet.


this is so very precious! : )


how exciting for all of you! and that you have farm hand helpers is the best! they must be feeling right at home with you.


What precious treasures. I would love to have chickens. At this time they are not allowed in our town but there is a proposal to change that.



Oh, goodness! Look at that little baby egg compared to the store bought ones!! Hope you had a fresh quiche or something from that little collection. :)


Yay, eggs! I remember when my sister in laws chickens starting laying eggs for the first time. They too started out small like that, but then she got some huge ones... even bigger then the organic ones in that carton.


That is so exciting! Thanks for stopping the other day at my blog. I have to apologize though. I was reading my email on my iphone and inadvertently deleted your comment, so I couldn't post it. Oops! I just didn't want you to think that I didn't like your comment! You're always welcomed to visit! happy Friday!


How fun!! Congratulations to you all :)

theresa/t does wool

that would be exciting ;))


Oh how much goodness can be found in all of those eggs! Such an incredible lesson for our little ones. Enjoy


Oh, how WONDERFUL! Isn't it so exciting?! I am slowly catching up on blog reading and just came here to check on how your girls were doing and look at that! They started laying a bit early. I helped a neighbor start their flock around the same time as yours and they just started laying this week. Congrats to you guys!


I've been gone from blogland for a while--I know this is 'old news' now--but how exciting this must have been!

The coop is so cool, too--love that dark teal blue.

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Got it! Thanks a lot again for hlienpg me out!

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