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June 02, 2010


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dani@little fists

What cute little peeps! Love it!

I'm thankful for the end of a school year and the summer that is ahead.

My Mr. and Offspring...of course. They are a source of laughter and love.

More free time. A blessing for sure.

Meg Evans

Love your little chicks! I'm only a little bit jealous...

I am thankful for so much--mostly the people that I am lucky enough to call family.


so glad you are loving your chicks!


Those chicks are so cute. I don't want to see them grow up! My mother grew up on a farm and had to gather the eggs. She said the hens were nasty. Maybe if you give them lots of love now, they'll grow up to be sweet ladies. Good luck!


Love the little girls! So pretty!


The chicks are so sweet. I wish we could have them here but unfortunately not.

I hope you enjoy them and get lots of great eggs.

This post is beautiful.


Lisa Q

a chick chick here and a chick chick there...aren't you the farmer's wife! wow! such fun going on at your house. I'm so jealous of your new little brood. I've wanted to have chickens (although I'm terrified of birds) but my mil who lives with us is certain they'll draw the coyotes to our yard and she doesn't want that! Oh well, I'll live vicariously through your blog. I'm thankful for summer days now that school is over!


oh, you are so welcome! your girls are beautiful! look at them feathering out already! they grow SO fast. you'll be gathering eggs before you know it! i am so sorry you lost one though.

i am thankful for so much but this week i am especially thankful for the light rain we've been getting each day since we planted our (veggie) seeds this weekend! i take it as an auspicious sign for gardeners everywhere this year!


a lovely post!
enjoy your new girls!
and we play the same game at dinner! xx


Those little chicks are too cute. If they were here I'd be watching them 24/7. I'm thankful for my little business and that it enables me to stay home everyday and enjoy my life.


Awww, those chicks are adorable!!!! That's a wonderful dinner game. What a great idea!


love the dill!


It is fun watching your chick news. My MIL is talking about getting chicks also.

I was thinking of your saying that you knit tops a needle larger to have better drape. Isn't that what you said? I am planning a cami and I would like nice drape but I'm also concerned about the opacity, and I was wondering if you have any thoughts on that. If you do, I'd appreciate hearing them!!


PS yes, love the dill.

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