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April 20, 2010


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wishes, true and kind

Lovely vegetable gardens! Soon enough it will be time to be planting here, too.

I just figured out yesterday that I have 7 quilt tops that need backs and quilting. Yikes!


Your raised beds are lovely. We are still a couple of weeks away from planting time but my little ones are chomping at the bit to get their plants in the ground :)

Good luck with your quilt assembling!

Meg Evans

I love your raised beds, and I love even more the fact that your kids are so into it! Bobby helped me plant some peas last month--I'm hoping the kids will become more interested as the food grows. I guess it's time for me to order my tomatoes!

Three quilts--how exciting! Those are going to be treasures. And that video was so inspiring.


what fun. your beds are awesome. your kids will keep busy all summer long harvesting their goods from those gardens.


so much good stuff in this post. I had to laugh because in the book I am reading the author said how good it is to garden for the kids sake - not only the growing part but for the water play that takes place after each watering!!

and, that family is amazing. They have a blog that I check in on every once in a while. They sure are an inspiration. have a great day. I enjoyed your comment on my blog. thanks.


That's so great, Larissa! My kids' play area is a mud hole at the moment. Every time I water my garden (directly behind their swing set) they play with the hose.


Looks like you had a great weekend ! I think gardening is going to be great fun for the whole family. You're quilts are beautiful!


Thanks for the inspiring video/link. We are trying to decrease our carbon footprint for food also but I don't know about solar showers in Colorado. And I don't think I could talk my husband into it! Your gardens look great. Good luck with your quilting!

Lisa Q

love your garden beds....you'll be enjoy them all summer. That link was fascinating. Thanks for sharing. I think I'm gonna go get a goat and till my yard up! wow! seriously, we do want to build some raised beds this summer and the way their family is living is quite inspiring.


sweet onions + arugula + cherry tomatoes--my kind of veggies!

it is bittersweet to see kids move on from something that meant so much to them--but what a great way to do it.

we're trying for raised beds this year ourselves--wish us luck.

alyssa spring

I LOVE your garden space so much. I kind of wish we had done that instead of planting in the neighbor's garden just because I don't think the soil down there is super fertile. We'll see what comes up I guess...


Oh how nice! Was it hard to build the "box", did you use any instructions from somewhere?



I love to garden. I had planned to expand our garden this year. We will see as the plants start coming in.
I loved the video you linked to. I had read about them in Mother Earth News.
Three quilt tops that's amazing.



You raised gardens look great! I don't have a very large space for a vegetable garden but I am adding some rhubarb this year amongst my flowers, just so I can enjoy my favorite treat every year. Can't wait to see what you make with all your yummy veggies and fruit.


Your gardens look wonderful! Happy growing to your family and plants. : )


happy children and happy gardens = one happy mama! they all look great! and three quilts in one month?? you're one sewing machine


Wonderful experience to have with the children. We tried last year and the deer chewed up all of it!!
You're on a quilt groove, how many so far?
I loved the video even if it's a bit extreme for me.


Ha! We were just talking about turning one of our raised beds into a sand box, and here I see your family has done the opposite! Your beds look great - don't they seem to make Spring "official?" We got ours planted three weeks ago and just took the first photos today for my current post. Oh! And thank you for your sweet post and the quilt info - it was exactly what I needed. Thanks again


I love that you children transitioned their play space into a garden/work space. That is so beautifully symbolic.



I just clicked through to your blog after seeing your beautiful addition to Fresh Modern Quilts and can I just say that your banner photo is absolutely gorgeous. I wonder if I could get my four kids to line up upside down on one of my quilts for a photo!


Your garden is going to be amazing. I'm glad you have helpers! And kids and water -- that soaking was bound to happen. It always does.


i love how you all participate in this!
can't wait to see those quilts! xx

Adirondack Mama

Wow Larissa, what gorgeous raised beds. I always wanted those.

And you are amazing with your quilts, I can't wait to see them all quilted up.


Great insight! That's the answer we've been looikng for.

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