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March 24, 2010


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Thanks so much for the tutorial!! I am one such knitter who is continually drooling over all the beautiful quilts I see in blogland (yours especially)! One of these days I am going to make the leap and just see how it goes. I'll be bookmarking your tips!


Wonderful tutorial. Coming from someone who quilts, it's always nice to see others approach at it. I learned a few new tips from you, like the sand paper stickers on your ruler....genius! Plus using two rulers at the same time for cutting, I'm surprised at myself that I am not doing that one already, but great tip! Glad I stopped over here, there is always more to learn and it's so fun learning from friends :)


Thank you so much for sharing your tips--sand paper dots are definitely in my future. I may also get a nicer rotary cutter (since I didn't follow your advice of buy the better quality one :) )

Your little flower picker just loves her mama~

Meg Evans

I am in love with that nine patch quilt! You're giving me the quilting bug. And I just love that bouquet of flowers just for mama.

I'm off to a knitting date where I am hopefully going to finish the seed stitch on this sweater!


I will be coming back to this post for sure. I am thinking of starting a quilt for our bed. This will be a great reference - thank you!


Great tutorial, for sure. I love the idea of using sandpaper dots to hold the guide in place. I always learn something here -- that's why I love visiting. And that nine-patch. I must make one, as soon as I finish my Adirondack Spring quilt.


I love the tutorial you just gave us. Very helpful indeed to those of us who are not yet quilters. I have a question though. What do you do with your old rotary cutting blades? I have some and it seems wrong to toss them when I think we should be able to take them to get resharpened. I hope I'm not the only one pondering this.


I love your tutorials! Washing the fabric is a good idea; I never wash mine but maybe I'll start.

Lisa Q

thanks girl. I have a question...when I cut my strips, I use my clear ruler and use the grids on my mat to line everything up, then I use the grids on my ruler and cut on the left side of the ruler...seems like my strips are straight...but now I'm not sure I'm doing it right? Sometimes I am not sure I'm precise enough...you know what I mean? Anyways, thanks for being so available, whether it's ruler questions or sweater concerns..you're the best! Have a wonderful Friday!


Looks like good therapy, cutting fabric, especially if your ruler doesn't slip!

One time, I came out to find all my little sprouts in the garden had been picked by a little helper who had thoughtfully "weeded" for me. It is hard to be mad when the intention is good.


Great tutorial. Love the colorful quilt.


looks like you've been keeping busy! and what a sweet little bouquet of flowers.


that quilt is AMAZING!
i have been in the mood to sew lately... getting all my fabric out in the morning... never sewing a stitch. soon, i hope.
thanks so much for the tutorial... and the sweet story and photo of your girlie!


Gosh, what a great tutorial. For those of us who have had absolutely no experience with sewing this is tremendously helpful. When I get a sewing machine I'm coming back to read this again! Thinking about your gorgeous quilt will be my motivation :)


What a super tutorial. It is so clear and easy to follow. It makes me want to start a quilt. I have this bookmarked because it is definitely on my list of things I want to try.

Your daughter is too sweet. I remember when we first moved into this house there were daffodils and hyacinths planted by the back door and every year as soon as they flowered the kids would pick them and bring them in to me. Precious memories.



I adore the quilt! it is beautiful!


I love this tutorial. Simple enough for a beginner like me! Thank you Larissa


thanks larissa! this is perfect and already on my printer!! it will be my reference tool when I begin cutting all my fabric. first step...wash fabric. I think I can do that! your knowledge, skill, and willingness to share is invaluable to me. thanks for that!


I have never had anyone show me how to use two rulers to cut fabric. Using the second one sure to measure the fabric makes a lot of sense. Thanks for that tip!

Mackenzie Haydu

This is a really cool tutorial! I wonder though, I might be using my ruler backwards (maybe it's a left handed thing?), but where you use two, I just use the one big one...let me see if I can explain...Say you want a two" strip, okay? You lay your fabric out, and place the ruler at the left hand side of it. You line up the left edge of the fabric so that it is 2" under the ruler, so that the bottom of the fabric runs on one of the horizontal lines, and the edge of the fabric is along the intersecting 2" line. Cut along the edge of the ruler, and you have a two" strip! I think it's the fastest way I've learned to do it, it saves having to line things up on multiple tools, which can be a hassle sometimes (at least for me!). Anyway, I hope that made sense!

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