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March 17, 2010


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The top looks great in his room. You're such a nice, obliging mom. My boys don't have big covers from me but at least they all do have a quilt I made when they were little. I need to upgrade all of them, though!

Meg Evans

What a great cover! And I never mind missing sleep to make goodies for my little ones, either. I love the kitty picture--they are so cute, even when they're clearly up to no good!


the colors are just perfect - will you hand quilt the top?


I love your spring cover! It's perfect. :D


I so appreciate your quilted goodness. I'm in the midst of making what I'm calling my "Adirondack Spring" quilt. You cranked yours out a lot faster than I'm moving. Your son is sure to treasure this one.

And, I'm totally jealous -- daffodils? The last of our snow melted away yesterday, but we're still a long way off from seeing tulips or daffodils.


Okay, maybe I need to quit procrastinating about making a quilt. I've been wanting one for our living room since all the mama made quilts are covering children! Thanks for the inspiration!!


Oh, now that is so perfect for an 11 year old. I always wonder when Eben will outgrow the room that I have made for him.

So far so good.

You are so quick with that quilt, I can't wait to see it finished.

Happy birthday to your boy.


Your son's quilt looks great! I love all the patterned fabric it almost gives the blanket some texture. Hope he has a great birthday!


Looks like spring there! Enjoy it all and happy birthday to your oldest. Maybe this summer I can get the sewing bug again. Projects like yours make me want to get sewing again.


What a lovely bed cover. That might be just the beginner project I could do for my boys bedroom.
I love the colors

theresa/t does wool

truly sometimes a simple patchwork quilt can steal the show...beautiful


Love the 'mama made cover' but what I love even more is that he asked for it. How sweet is that!


Cute kitty. And perfect quilt for a boy. I wish my son still wanted hand made stuff.


Such beauty Larissa! I am just about to finish up a flannel 16 patch blanket, and I am so excited to crawl under it's colors. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend ahead


Love that cover. It's amazing how quickly you can cut, assemble and complete a quilt.

Your kitty is so cute. He looks ever so innocent.
Love daffodils!! We have also been enjoying some super sunshine and warm weather.


Donna Rae Barrow

What a great art piece you've created as a bedcover! I, too, think the colors are perfect in the room, and I know your son will love it!


You lucky girl! Daffodils already! The quilt looks great! love, Beth


in one hour?? really?? I look forward to the day I can sew something (anything) up in just an hour!! looks great...all of it!
can't wait to have daffodils! have a great birthday weekend!


My oldest needs a new quilt also. Wish I knew how to do this. Maybe I need to investigate this a bit more.


aww. hope your little guy had a happy birthday! 11!

my poor charlie... has asked for new "covers" for years. (i am not kidding) he is the boy that wears my hand knit socks... loves his pillow cases that i make... and is asking for new "covers"! what is my problem! THAT is what i should be sewing!!!

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