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March 01, 2010


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I have NO idea how you did that quilting, all that I know is that it is stunning.

Picnic??? We just got another foot of snow over the weekend.



I would love to be on a picnic right about now! That quilt is going to be stunning!!! I can't wait to see it all done :)


Wow! That quilt is quite an accomplishment! And boys and sticks....I did a whole posting about that on Acorn Pies last fall. Boys NEED sticks! Good for you for letting them play with them. Beth


that is one big project. and it is beautiful.

yes, good for you for letting boys be boys!


We had a semi quiet weekend here, too. Things get so busy and I wonder where we will find the time to just be and have some fun. Soon hopefully!!


Meg Evans

Wow is that quilt just so beautiful! And I am also jealous of the outdoor picnic! We haven't seen our grass in weeks. I don't know why it's so hard to finish a project--even a project that you know you're going to love. The allure of the new and unstarted is always there. Somehow it's "work" when you're in the middle of it, and a new project is not "work".


Blog friends are great therapists, aren't they. Always so encouraging. I think that's all any of us want anyhow. I'm guessing you made that quilt on the ground. It's so pretty -- how can you let it set there? Our ground will probably not dry out for months thanks to all that snow.

And btw, I'm forever paying library fines -- mostly for my daughter who "loses" books in her room.


Your quilt is turning out beautifully! I do the same thing with finishing projects. :-/ I guess it's something we'll both have to work on. :) I am hoping to start round two of the bags I plan to sell on Etsy today. We'll see about the finishing part.


What a wonderful weekend ~ picnics and trips to the library oh my oh my!!!

Generally a project stalls for me if I've hit a decision point that's a toughy - LOL


I used to work at a library - fines are good for the library. A lovely donation that they will put to good use. The quilt is beautiful, I'm in awe. I have more unfinished than finished projects. Once I lick the project, figure out how it's going to work, get all the supplies and prove it will work it seems to go into a pile and something new strikes my fancy. I am working on more finishing and cleaning up these days.


I'm with you Larissa. I have so many projects in progress...too many for my liking. my struggle with finishing is I think it will take more time than I have to just finish it up. then when I do finish, I wonder what I was thinking. If I would spend the time finishing that I spend thinking about finishing, I'd have a lot of finished projects! Does that make sense?


The quilt is amazing.


I don't know why it's so difficult finish your quilts. Why don't I ever finish mine?! When you get it done, it will be amazing! I love the picnic quilt, too. Thanks for commenting on my blog; I didn't know it was Dr. Seuss's birthday. What a coincedence!


which begs the question of why I let all those strips sit around my sewing room for months, mocking me every time I passed by them.

When you figure that out, please let us know. I know that I often ask myself the same question...


I almost forgot - lovely quilt (both of them.)

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