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March 04, 2010


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Meg Evans

That quilt is so wonderful! Another snow day--ack! We got lucky this time around--barely any sprinkles and flakes. Love the hair style. It reminds me that tomorrow is Crazy Hair Day at school.


that quilt is very impressive. i long for a snow day. we have not had any snow this year in seattle.


Oh, man....that's one beautiful quilt top. The coloring is so vibrant and lively. I can see why your daughter claimed it straight away. I would have too.


That quilt is gorgeous!!!


Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!

WOW, what amazing work. It is more stunning than words.

PS. your dog looks like a sweetie.


What an incredible quilt. Just amazing! and more snow! We have been spared (lately).


Really beautiful quilt. Sorry you didn't make the quilt show, but there's always next year. We had the slushy snow yesterday morning which made the drive to work messy but it cleared up by noon. I heard you guys were out of school, lucky!


Your quilt is amazing and beautiful! I love your colors!! Great great job!


YEAH!!!! I was so excited when I saw this post. I have been working on this and wondered what the finished product would look like. Here is a pic of my strips. http://bellaandmolly.blogspot.com/2010/02/here-project-there-project-everywhere.html
I will have to let know when I get it done.


absolutely *exquisite* !!!


absolutely worthy of all the flattering comments you will receive. such talent choosing colors, such skill in design, such dedication to what looks like a huge project, such admiration for a wonderful friend.


That quilt is just stunning! It must have taken you quit awhile to sew all those little squares together. Beautifully done :)


Beautiful quilt! I love the pattern. And your dog is just precious. Our first dog, Davey, looked like he could be related to your Remy. I always said he had liquid brown eyes. (Now, I'm missing him).


I love that quilt. It is so gorgeous!!!!

Your daughter looks precious even when she's playing hairdresser and has on lots of clips

Are you ready for spring and no more snow? I am!!

Your dog is so cute. What a great look on his face. He looks like he's really saying that.



Yay! For finished projects! And for adorable photos of family at play! The quilt is AWESOME! There's nothing like watching one of your kids snuggled up under a quilt you made; ENJOY!

wishes, true and kind

I absolutely love that quilt!


Love all the hair clips and creative "do" :)

Thank you Remy ~ YOU have a good day too!


That is a gorgeous quilt! I am glad our outside looks nothing like that today but I'm sure it will again before long!


Wow, Larissa, this is gorgeous! I love that your daughter is playing hair stylist! I remember doing that as a young girl, and it was a blast.
Have a wonderful weekend

Lisa Q

Larissa...this is truly amazing. It is so beautiful. I just can't get over how the blocks made such a gorgeous design and the lighter fabrics with the bold colors...just wonderful girl.


okay. that is AMAZING!!!
it really has blown me away.
the colors. the design. the tiny tiny squares.
you really did an unbelievable job!!!

happy sunday to you!


This quilt is gorgeous!!

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