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February 22, 2010


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yes! that is it. happiness comes from the simplest of things. the photo of you is so good. you should sleep good tonight!


Why is it that girls like to stay in the jammies all day? My boys never do, but my daughter rarely gets out of hers on the weekends. I'm glad all is well in your world.

Lisa Q

hope abigail is feeling better....fevers are yucky! Love those fabrics, I'm sure you'll sew them into something wonderful. And I love that picture of you. Your son did a great job of capturing beautiful you! Have a wonderful week...hope it continues to be filled with happiness and all things wonderful.

Meg Evans

So much to be happy for! Great picture of you--it's important to take those every now and then. We mamas tend to disappear from the family photo albums because we're usually the one behind the camera!


I hope your daughter is feeling better soon. I love you in pink, so springy!

I have some great old craft books from the thrift store, such great ideas in them too.

I really have been itching to try out a quilting bee, but I think one square is all that I could do justice with.

We'll see.

wishes, true and kind

What a lovely post. Yes, so much of happiness can be found in the little things -- which turn out to be fairly big things after all.


Oh I love those dishes, my mom has them!


Looks like lots of happiness in your neck of the woods! I'm still making my way through Monday morning, so I'll have to answer your happiness question later :-) Oh wait, I am happy to have a lunch date with a friend today.


I just love days like that. We have had some wonderful weather here also. It is coming to an end since rain and snow are predicted for the rest of this week but I will enjoy this last day of sunshine.

Much of the same things make me happy.


What a wonderful looking weekend! Your fabrics for that quilt look like so much fun, can not wait to see how that turns out. That cake just looks like perfection. I MUST make that this week


I had that "Snips, Snails..." book when I was a kid, and loved it! (I've got it again, now, for the next generation.)


... finding this site. What fun. Thank you.


Great photo of you, I think your son has an eye for photography :)

Your kids beds always look so cozy! Seems like your daughter had a very relaxing day :)


How neat to have a picture of you taken by your son. I might frame it and put it up in his room ;)...

Making me happy (and sick) right now are my Girl Scout cookies.

Lovely World

Lovely post. How nice to have a photo taken by your son. We seem to have very few photos of me because I am always the one behind the camera. I should hand it over to my children, get in front, and see what they come up with.


Thanks for sharing your happinesses! Such simple things really aren't that simple when you look at the effect they have on our spirits. Loved your post about Violet too! What a pantry!


Ah, what a sweet picture taken by your son. Sounds like things are doing alright over there :)


Hi Larissa,
Oh I can't wait to see that quilt you're working on! What pretty fabrics you have picked out!
I love the photo of you! It's nice to see your face!
with love,


I'm still truly enjoying your quote - Make it a good day or not. The choice is yours. Thanks so much


That cake is making me happy. I think I might try that one today!


that cake looks sov ery good! my kids love the I Spy books too, especially my daughter.


happiness is being inspired by lovely friends like you! I think I need to take a few minutes and take stock of what's making me happy today. lovely photo of beautiful you!


I stumbled upon your blog and am captivated by it! I really enjoy looking at the beautiful things you make.


Gazing out at the backyard and thinking about putting in our garden soon. We are all getting really excited for spring. Dying some more fabric to work with using a new method I discovered. Making some yummy massage oil. Wrestling with the boys on the floor.


Your son captured a beautiful image of you. Even better is the reason he said he took it. Oh, the mind is forever working, is it not?


I think the simple pleasures in life are the best! I love seeing the way your family relaxes and what brings you pleasure.

That is such a wonderful picture your son took of you. He has a great eye and obviously adores his mom :)


I used that book you found at the library when I taught preschool. What will make me happy is remembering where I stored it or if I even still have it.

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