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February 05, 2010


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Meg Evans

What a lovely week--and such an amazing interview over at Heather's blog! I love all the hearts you've got going on in these pictures. The snow is heading our way now, so we'll hopefully be out "making" new friends this weekend!


I found your blog on Shivaya Naturals today and have added you to my blog list! Beth


It really was a great interview. ANd how much fun you had this week. Busy Girl.

Thanks for the tutorial at Heathers.

PS, thanks for the idea on where to buy lavender. I can't wait until mine arrives.


Lovely post. I really enjoyed your interview with Heather. So fun to read and I love the tutorial.


I'm heading over to see your interview....Great pictures. Looks like you're all having a wonderful wintery time.


Enjoyed your interview, Larissa! Thanks for the tutorial and all that you share.


I really enjoyed your interview and your lovely blog. Great snow pics!


knowing more about you, your family and creative life is interesting.

I love the pictures of your makings.

Gabriela Ordenes

Very poetic job!
Loved all your pictures and your week...
My plans to this weekend is copy of you a bit of magic in my days, and make some similar. Thanks you so much!!!

theresa/t does wool

a lovely week indeed and gorgeous images~

theresa/t does wool

ooh, anya is very lucky Rima...you are a great mom...what a great week!

theresa/t does wool

now how did that happen? while I was visiting elsewhere? feel free to delete the above nutty comment!!


I just read your interview over at shivaya....I just wanted to stop by to say what a talented crafts person you are! Your work is very beautiful. Nice to meet you!


Great interview!! Love the sweaters you had on too. And thanks for the buckwheat pillow idea.


Thank you for sharing some of our handmade products and also for sharing pictures of your beautiful children. Such joy and fun.
Warm wishes.

wishes, true and kind

What a lovely post! I especially love the part about finding beauty in our messes! Where do I plan to find beauty this week? Well, I have a week off, and that is beautiful in and of itself. I plan to sew and spend time with friends and family. Beautiful :)


loved your interview!! It looks like you're all enjoying the process of finding beauty. I find beauty each and every time I stop here. thanks for that!


This post made me feel so warm and cozy on a cold snowy day, thanks :) Going to head to Heather's blog now to read your interview.

Lisa Q

I so enjoyed your interview with Heather...we're enjoying being snowed in...I've got some sewing and knitting projects to work on. Have a wonderful Sunday. Your photos are gorgeous. what a winter you've had.


I found your blog through Heather's blog. I've now read through all of your posts since last summer. You and your family have some lovely adventures and your crafts are amazing. Thank you for sharing.


Larissa, what a wonderful interview! Congratulations and thank you for sharing a little more about yourself and your life.

Your crafting is very inspiring to me. I love your Valentine's projects and wish I had spotted them earlier!!!


Hi Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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Haahhaha. I'm not too bright today. Great post!


This aritlce is a home run, pure and simple!

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