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January 06, 2010


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Oh my, that tea looks amazing. Is that two different types of chai with milk? I want to go upstairs and make that right now :)


I think you're off to a good start to 2010 -- one sweater completed and your flicker photos (what's four days out of 365?). I can see why you had to eat the whole cookie....It looks yummy. I am so DONE with Christmas cookies. Just give me a good, old-fashioned chocolate chip. Have a great day.

Meg Evans

I know your Francis is going to be spectacular! And I'm glad you're doing 365, too. It will be fun to watch the year go by--day by day.

I hear you about the weaving in ends. It's a chore sometimes, but you look like you were properly and deliciously fueled to complete the task!


Don't feel bad about not liking to sew together your knitting. I have a nice little business sewing peoples knitting together and doing the finishing touches. I think I'm better at finishing than knitting. I'm glad to hear you're doing the 365 days. I had great fun last year.


Okay, yet another knit to add to my queue! I can't wait to see it.
Last year was my first 365. I missed some days. When I did, I just skipped that number and went on to the next one. It happens!


Yeah for you! Only five days in and you've got a completed project and a new 365 wip! Can't wait to follow along with your life in photos and be inspired each and every day!


What a great start to the new year with already completed projects.

Will be checking up on your 365! Have a happy one.


I love, love, love you tall tea cup!


*your* I mean. : )


i can not wait to see francis!! isn't it the best pattern?


I'm excited to see your sweater! Thanks for some movie ideas, I'm always looking for more to add to my netflix list. :)

Lisa Q

yay! I'm so glad you're going to be doing the 365 thing out on flickr! no sweat about the days....it's all what you want it to be. far as I know, there's no 365 police...or i'd have been busted for sure. I totally understand about changes in plans. I need about a dozen chocolate chip cookies....

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