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December 09, 2009


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love your dolls!
and that quilt...love the green binding!
what a great idea for the wooden trays...keeping it all in check.
I got the clean up bug today myself. and I feel so much better!

Lisa Q

sounds like you're feeling better! I love how your quilt turned out! The green binding is just the right finishing touch...and machine binding! I missed that tutorial! bummer! Anyways, those dolls are so adorable. I'm guessing they're for Abigail and she'll love them! Enjoy your holiday preparations!


thanks for the binding tutorial, i never cut mine that wide for machine sewing and think it would make the process a whole lot easier.


I'm in love with your quilt. The fabric is fantastic and what a cheery binding. And, I have to agree that working in a clean and tidy house definitely helps to de-stress.


so glad that my kids aren't the only ones that jump on the furniture! Looks like everyone is pretty happy!


Agh, the race is on! Good luck!!
I heard that Hanukkah song on NPR yesterday afternoon...catchy ;-)


You know, I *really* should not click over here because every time I do, I start daydreaming about quilting. :)

Good luck getting your gifts done!!

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