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December 16, 2009


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Three hours, wow, that's a quick scarf! Looks like all the well-loved necks in your family are going to be taken care of, including your own :)


Larissa -- You have been so busy. I can't believe all that you have accomplished. I'm in love with the purple Mustard Scarf. The color is gorgeous and would look great with my black dress coat (might have to get me some of that yarn). Lisa Q. tells me you're a Webs shopper. Have you been there or just the on-line? Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. We went to our elementary school concert tonight and they had a big sing-a-long at the end -- it was lots of fun, so I'm smiling and in the spirit now. Good luck with all of your activities.

Lisa Q

I love that mustard scarf...I hadn't seen that before...I'll have to add it to my after Christmas list. I'm so glad to hear that Hanukkah is rolling along wonderfully...enjoy every moment. You've been very busy, all of your crafting will be well received no doubt. Have a wonderful end to the week.


Larissa, hello again! I couldn't reply to your comment on my blog but I wanted to tell you that someone else upsized the Whirligig for a little bit bigger girl and it's so cute! I can't remember who but I know it was marked "helpful." Good luck!



All of it looks delicious! How fortunate your family is to have you. So much homemade goodness. Happy Hanukkah to you.


Your life is so full and wonderful!!
I love all the photos.
that cherry cake- YUM!
and that scarf!! I hadn't seen that pattern either, but I'm with Lisa...it's on my list!!
blessings to you!!

Meg Evans

The scarves, all of them, are lovely. I *may* be checking out that scarf pattern...but I'm going to making a big-girl Neighborly for myself first!

I know all your gifts will be well received and loved.

Caffeine Girl

You are getting so much done! What a lovely Hanukkah you and your family are having. My two are in college -- and the holiday isn't the same without them at home. We'll have a family celebration this coming weekend. Still, it isn't the same!


So much goodness! I admire your ease and grace as you go through this holiday season.
I love that scarf pattern - it immediately went to my ravelry library ;-)


love scarves. sarah's! your knit one! and your sewn ones.... what a fantastic gift for the guys in my life... who always seem to be the hardest!


Everything looks so wonderful. Those scarves are truly amazing. Enjoy this holiday weekend


what a beautiful scarf. the one you are knitting, but also the one you bought for yourself.

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