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November 04, 2009


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Love the tips. That scarf is great and sure looks easy. I'll have to hunt up some bulky yarn :)

Lisa Q

great tips and thanks for the heads up on the must have accessory. wouldn't want to run into oprah on the street without one on! seriously, it is cute! I think it would be great in a nice tweedy yarn too! have a great end of the week!


love your tidbits Larissa. i hope you enjoy the rest of your week.


moes is one of our favorites!!!
and i agree... this time change makes for a challenge in the photography dept!!!

nice tips... thanks!!


As always, what a great tutorial. I have always really wanted to learn how to sew buttons onto knitting.

Your quilt looks like it is coming along beautifully

air yeezy shoes

Good article.thanks for information. keep it up…now i m making expectations from you for good and informative and knowledgable articles…


If not for your writing this topic could be very cvoonulted and oblique.

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