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November 01, 2009


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wishes, true and kind

Wonderful sweater, and she looks so cute in it!

Lisa Q

oh, I wonder if that could be sized up for adults...? I love it! I love the colors that you knit it in...adorable! Great job Larissa and great job to Abigail in modeling it off in such style! The lollipop accessory is my favorite!


yeah for you and abigail!! your neighborly looks wonderful.
I can't wait for Tuesday! so looking forward to your tidbits.


Adorable sweater! Great pics too :)


Larissa, this is gorgeous!!! I love the colors, and the way that you put this together is amazing.

I am hoping to make the adult version of this sweater in the coming weeks. The feelings and sentiments behind it are just such a draw.

Hope you had a great weekend


So sweet! The sweater and the model!


Hello! I have been reading your blog for a little while, and am finally getting around to commenting. The sweater you knit for your daughter is beautiful, and I'm looking forward to hearing your quilting tips. The first post of yours that I read was about machine quilting, and I got some helpful hints from it that I've used since!


it really is one of the most adorable sweaters i have ever seen.

and your photos capturing the moment are sooooo good.
i honestly think that blogging has made us capture those moments that would have slipped away.

precious. so so precious.


Your daughter is adorable. And thanks for Jennifer's link.

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