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October 19, 2009


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Such a great color for that shawl! It's a good thing you find fabric arranging meditative - I think it's the hardest and most frustrating part!!!

wishes, true and kind

I usually love playing on the design wall, but my value quilt is not going very well at the moment. I just don't know what to do about it, except wait and take another look in the morning....


Your shawl looks lovely. You definitely have an eye for color play, your quilts are gorgeous!

Lisa Q

what a wonderful day you had! I love how your milkweed shawl turned out...that color is great! Playing with yarn and fabric is always a gret way to insure an awesome day! Can't wait to see what comes of your creativity. What's your board made of?


Your Milkweed Shawl is very pretty. I loved knitting the pattern, very pretty indeed.


love the simplicity of the sweater, and the colour is yummy!
the shawl is so pretty, i have never knitted a shawl yet..on my to do list for sure!


Ok, I love everything about this post. The Milkweek is gorgeous! I have my yarn ready for the Francis Revisited (except that a new development may not allow me to be the right size to wear it this year).

The quilt is gorgeous. I love all of the fabrics, and all of the colors.


Yeah for you!! looks like you carved out a few moments just for you! I'm trying to do that this week too.


Yes, it all looks fun to me! I've been spending my free time with either knitting needles or a sewing needle in my hand.


love your projects! love them!


If you're rdeaing this, you're all set, pardner!

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