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October 13, 2009


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wishes, true and kind

LOVE the leslie quilt, modified and the cute star blocks! Thanks for commenting on my blog. I tried to respond, but no email was attached; however, I was able to track you back to your blog. Looks like you had a fun day at the pumpkin patch.



an hour of focussed sewing produced some amazing results. how I wish i was dedicated to that sewing machine like you do AND make such beautiful pieces!

Autumn is really a glorious season. I intend to savour every moment of it this year. enjoy it!


LOVE that quilt!

Lisa Q

the sewing....the pumpkin patch....it all looks fabulous. You are fabulous, the creation of that quilt is just blowing me away! Enjoy your week. Hope you get more hours to sew so we'll have more wonderful things to see.


I would love Fall too, if it ever stops raining! Looks like you had a fun weekend!


Your Leslie quilt modified is gorgeous!


That is amazing! Your work is such so incredible. Those pictures of all of you look like perfect Autumn play. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week


what wonderful family moments! lifting a heavy pumpkin...decisions at the snack stand...and that to die for quilt creation...you are savoring each and every moment! the sewing will be there waiting when the snow starts to fall.


Great photos. Thanks for sharing. Looks like you all are having so much fun.

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