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August 14, 2009


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Lisa Q

what a great story! How wonderful that you and your husband's love of reading has come full circle. I'm sure that coffee and that book were heavenly!

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I think I can recite that entire Cat in the Hat from memory...nothing better than a book store...;)


Those moments, where your realize that your time may be coming back to you, those are the best. I love raising children, but the moments that I can "steal" away some me time is bliss.

We have been reading the Hobbit to our little ones (outloud). We have to skip some parts, but the magic and the imagination is sensational.


I've been placing the Hobbit around the house for my oldest. Still hasn't picked it up. Soon I hope.

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I arrived having never actually seen a Gocco machine let alone used one, so the learning curve has been steep, but thankfully it's an easy device to pick-up fairly quickly. For my initiation evening I watched Craig demonstrate the process of exposing a screen, inking and then printing, and had a quick dabble with a test print to familiarise myself with the tools + technique.

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