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August 17, 2009


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what a great post idea!
thanks for sharing all your family favorites, especially the games and movies!
she'll be a two finned fish next year. :)

Lisa Q

I love seeing your lists and favorites. I love to play games (and do puzzles). We love blockus. We don't have it here but we play it at a friend's house when we go there. so cute how abigail swims....I like what Kristyn said about her being a two finned fish next year.


Thanks for the lists. We LOVE apples to apples (jr edition)...i'm going to check out some of your other favorites. We are in a game rut!

I keep meaning to rent Once...i hear it's very good.


Wonderful summer.


Well, this looks like a wonderful summer that you all spent together.

Here is wishing your family a wonderful start to the school year.


Thinking like that is really amanzig

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