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August 04, 2009


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Awww... how sweet! Many rewards were reaped from your time together!

Ooooh, Hanne Faulkenberg... so pretty. I've never knit one either. You'll have to let me know how it goes.


yay! your first hanne!! i just love mine - it was such a blast to knit - every part of it. whenever you decide to start it, if you get stuck on anything, just give me a shoutout and i would be glad to help in any way i could. i'm a little embarrassed to offer help to you (cause you are such a fabulous knitter!) but I bet it would be just like your son says: knitting and talking with you [would be] so much fun! (that was so sweet)


only an admirer of Hanne Faulkenberg, so I can't wait to see your progress. what a special gift. your sweater will always be a sweet rememberance of your 17 years together.


I love when my kids make comments like that, it just makes me feel good to know that the time that we are spending is meaningful to them. That pie looks AMAZING, and I can't wait to see the Hanne Faulkenberg


*Swoon* Nice colour choice for the mermaid!

your son's cooking sounds terrific!

Lisa Q

that pie looks delicious...I'm sure it was extra sweet due to the time you spent working on it with your guy. Wow! a mermaid...hanne faulkenbeg! such a great gift! I'm sure it will look fabulous on you!


Yum! what a sweet story! and your hubbie did good :)

FYI, I finally got around to making your modified child's version of Jane's headscarf--it's been sitting in my WIP pile for quite a while! thanks for sharing your tips.

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