« easy-peasy log cabin tutorial | Main | first day of summer vacation »

June 09, 2009


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Kendall Micayla

oh good, i was hoping you would post more about these- its such a wonderful idea!!
thank you!


All of your tutorials are just so amazing. Thanks for sharing another great one!

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while sending a message to Eric via a black bird, stating that he will return to claim the throne. creazy!


Back within the familiar days when people lived
in log cabins, what did they utilize in between the logs?

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Thank you for encouraging me to go look up my own analysis.

Yours was way more indepth than mine.

Sandra Geary

Thank you for this tutorial, I'm up to this point on my quilt-w/ 7 pieces sewed on. Where is the rest of the tutorial? What do I do next? How do I finish it? Thank You.
Sandra Geary

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