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June 16, 2009


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Well, at least you only had to rip out some rows. Saturday night I frogged a whole sweater. It took much longer than I thought, which is maybe I had been putting it off for the past 6 months.

Lisa Q

Oh, man. I hate frogging. But, for what it's worth, I love the sweater! It looks like the fit is going to be perfect on you! And thanks for the tip about the bell peppers. That'll be a good save for me when they start to go bad.


I'll be frogging the top off one of my advent mittens soon. yikes!
the sweater looks great on you! you'll love it even more because of your mod save.


Oh I hate frogging too! So sorry. Love your pool though :)


Sorry about the frogging, but it looks like you are all enjoying the summer!

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