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June 01, 2009


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Gorgeous yarn! Love the colors! What a wonderfully generous package you received!


looks like you have all the yarn you need to begin a new creation. how wonderful to receive such surprise blessings!
I count you as one of my blessings as well. can't wait to get here to learn something new. can't wait to begin quilting so I can use all your knowledge. looking forward to one day sitting with you, lisa, and sandy in those big red chairs.

Lisa Q

what a wonderful blessing. It all comes around, doesn't it? I too am so thankful for the blessings that have come from this blog world- for the inspiration, and the friendships (like yours) that have come because of blogging. Can't wait to see what you create with your wonderful gifts!


Larissa, you are more then welcome. Your beautiful blog has inspired me to get back to my sewing, and I am grateful for the time that you take to share so many gorgeous projects and tutorials. I am so glad that you liked the yarn. Happy Knitting.


Oh wow! I think I'll place an order :)

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