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May 21, 2009


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Thank you! I appreciate the time it must have taken to make this wonderful and detailed tutorial!

Kendall Micayla

oh its beautiful!!!
the fabrics are so cute, and i love the shape/size of this.
thank you so much for sharing this with us :)

Lisa Q

such great detailed directions! Thanks Larissa! Now, I need some cute, trendy fabric! I want to raid your stash...mine is so boring :). Have a wonderful holiday weekend.


Wow, this is wonderful. Thank you so much for all of the detail and great directions. I think that I would like to make one of these for gardening. Hopefully next week will settle down and I can put one of these together.

Thanks again


thanks for this!
i kind of wish they all had work and school tomorrow so i could work on it! Have a great weekend!


great little apron! might need to make me one of those soon!


even I (a no sewer) think I could try this! thanks for ALL the time it took to take the photos and detail your steps, so we could duplicate your creation!! how generous you are.

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Do you have more great atricles like this one?

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