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May 07, 2009


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Lisa Q

she must have her mother's eye for design.:) good job abigail! Can't wait to see the finished product. Larissa, when you buy your fabric do you buy a certain yardage or do you only buy with a project in mind? I'm never sure how much to buy if I don't have a project in mind. Just wondering what you typically do.


Lisa, I rarely buy with a project in mind. I usually buy 1/2 or 1 yard cuts of fabrics by my favorite designers (amy butler, anna maria horner, denyse schmidt, joel dewberry) I almost always buy them when they are on sale. I buy all my fabric online at fabricworm, pink chalk studio/fabrics, or ebay. both fabricworm and pink chalk studio have excellent shipping and customer service and lots of sales. right now fw has anna maria horner and joel dewberry on sale and pcs has the katie jump rope line by denyse schmidt on sale - this is my favorite line and i bought 1 yard of each print pcs has on sale. just buy what you love and then make stuff - any stuff - out of it. My personal rule when I have an idea in mind is to go to my fabric shelves and choose what i love the most that day. and some projects i come up with to show off a particular fabric. I like to think of myself as an artist and the fabric as my palette - it's what motivates me and keeps me from feeling like I should be cleaning my house instead. as for the yardage question, unless you're planning to sew clothes buy 1/2 yard cuts - they're small enough to use up and large enough to throw in the washing machine. hope this helps!

Amanda Elizabeth

ohh those look fantastic! Tonight I started making triangles as an attempt to start a zigzag quilt and it was amazingly relaxing until I realized I'd pinned all the wrong fabrics together! oops ;)

Kendall Micayla

lovely fabric prints, i love amy butler but havent been able to get some for myself. i guess its best to wait, im a beginner and i would probably ruin it!:)
i cant wait to see how the quilt comes out, it is looking awesome!
have a wonderful weekend!


OK, this is so beautiful. All that gorgeous Amy Butler fabric! Can not wait to see the finished piece.


you are one of the most generous commenter/sharers of your knowledge! I've learned so much reading your blog and your reply comments. I never would have known about the online fabric companies without you!

I sat through a similiar PTO meeting last week! There you go again being generous with your time and talents!

she did a great job!

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