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May 26, 2009


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yeah! you go girl! can't knit with you, but I'll be here cheering you on.

Lisa Q

looks like a full and fun weekend. I'm chugging away on my rusted root....slow but steady. (what happened to yours? ) so even though that cardi is great I. must. keep. going. I. must. ....I'll cheer you on from the sides with Kristyn. You always make me drool with your yummy salads!


I've made that one, great pattern! I love cucumber & tomato salad. I ate a cucumber from my garden for supper just last night (no ripe tomatoes yet).

Kendall Micayla

mmm, that salad looks delicious and the yarn even yummier! :)


oh, this looks cute! I have to go check it out! Love cuke and tomato salad too!

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